source documentation


class simpy_events.event.Callbacks(event, before, callbacks, after)

Replace the ‘callbacks’ list in objects.

Internally used to replace the single list of callbacks in objects.

See also


It allows to add the Event’s hooks before, when and after the object is processed by simpy (that is when the items from its “callbacks” list are called).

Callbacks is intended to replace the original callbacks list of the object When iterated, it chains the functions attached to before, callbacks and after.

In order to behave as expected by simpy, adding or removing items from a Callbacks object works as expected by simpy: Callbacks is a collections.MutableSequence and callables added or removed from it will be called by simpy as regular callbacks, i.e f(event) where event is a object.

When used to replace the’s callbacks attribute, it ensures the correct order is maintained if the original’s callbacks attribute was itself a Callbacks object, example:

cross_red_light = Event(name='cross red light')
get_caught = Event(name='caught on camera')
evt = cross_red_light(env.timeout(1))
yield get_caught(evt)

In this example, the call order will be as follows

- cross_red_light's before
- get_caught's before
- cross_red_light's callbacks
- get_caught's callbacks
- cross_red_light's after
- get_caught's after

del callable item from ‘callbacks’ list


return callable item from ‘callbacks’ list

__init__(event, before, callbacks, after)

Attach the Callbacks obj to a obj.

event is the object whose callbacks attribute is going to be replaced by this Callbacks object.

before, callbacks and after are callables which will be called respectively before, when and after the event is actually processed by simpy.


the current event.callbacks attribute may already be a Callbacks object, see Callbacks description for details.


return number of callable items in ‘callbacks’ list

__setitem__(index, value)

set callable item in ‘callbacks’ list

insert(index, value)

insert callable item in ‘callbacks’ list

class simpy_events.event.Context(**attributes)

context object forwarded to event handlers by EventDispatcher

contains following attributes:

  • event, the Event instance
  • hook, the name of the hook

initializes a new Context with keyword arguments

creates an attribute for each provided keyword arg.

class simpy_events.event.Event(**metadata)

Event provides a node to access the event system.

an Event is an endpoint that allows to dispatch a hook to a set of handlers. A hook identifies a particular state for the Event, note Event is intended to be used to wrapp objects.

Event provides two options to dispatch an event through the event system:

  • immediately dispatch a hook with Event.dispatch: although this method is used internally it may be used to dispatch any arbitrary hook immediately.

  • call the Event providing a object, so the ‘before’, ‘callbacks’ and ‘after’ hooks will be dispatched automatically when the event is processed by the simpy loop.

    See also


Event is initialized with optional metadata attributes, provided as keyword args, which will be kept alltogather in Event.metadata attribute.


Handlers are attached to an Event using the Event.topics list, which is expected to contain a sequence of mappings, each mapping holding itself a sequence of callable handlers for a given hook, for ex

evt = Event()

topic1 = {
    'before': [h1, h2, h3],
    'after': [h4, h5],



a topic is not expected to contain all the possible hook keys, it will be ignored if the hook is not found.

events dispatching:

Event.dispatcher holds a dispatcher object (such as EventDispatcher) that is called by the Event when dispatching a hook.

Note setting Event.dispatcher to None will prevent anything from being dispatched for the Event instance.

See also


Event.enabled offers a switch to enable / disable dispatching. It also allows to notify handlers when the Event is enabled or disabled, for instance when adding / removing an Event in the simulation.


Automatically trigger the Event when event is processed.

The Event will be attached to the provided object via its callbacks, and the following hooks will be dispatched when event is processed by simpy (i.e when its callbacks are called) :

  • before: just before event is processed
  • callbacks: when event is processed
  • after: just after event is processed

Replaces the callbacks attribute by a Callbacks instance so the hooks subscribed to this Event will be called when the is processed by simpy.

When the is processed, then calls Event.dispatch respectively for ‘before’, ‘callbacks’ and ‘after’ hooks.

return the object.

example usage in a typical simpy process

something_happens = Event(name='important', context='test')

def my_process(env):
    yield something_happens(env.timeout(1))

Initialized a new Event object with optional metadata

metadata keyword args are kept in Event.metadata.

dispatch(hook, data=None)

immediately dispatch hook for this Event.

  • hook is the name of the hook to dispatch, for instance ‘before’, ‘after’…etc.
  • data is an optional object to forward to the handlers. It will be None by default.

Does nothing if Event.enabled is False or Event.dispatcher is None.

calls the dispatcher.dispatch method with the following arguments:

  • event: the Event instance
  • hook
  • data

enable / disable dispatching for the Event.

when the value of Event.enabled is changed the following hooks are dispatched:

  • enable is dispatched just after the value is changed
  • disable is dispatched just before the value is changed

See also


class simpy_events.event.EventDispatcher

Responsible for dispatching an event to Event’s handlers

uses the Event’s sequence of topics to get all handlers for a given hook and call them sequentially.

dispatch(event, hook, data)

dispatch the event to each topic in Event.topics.


  • event, the Event instance
  • hook, the name of the hook to dispatch
  • data, data associated to the event

See also


Each topic is expected to be a mapping containing a sequence of handlers for a given hook. The topic will be ignored if it doesn’t contain the hook key.

For each sequence of handlers found for hook, a tuple is created to ensure consistency while iterating (it’s likely handlers are removed / added while dispatching).

Handlers are then called sequentially with the following arguments:


class simpy_events.manager.EventType(ns, name)

Link a set of simpy_events.event.Event instances to a name.

EventType allows to define an event type identified by a name in a given NameSpace, and create simpy_events.event.Event instances from it, which will allow to manage those instances as a group and share common properties:


remove event instance ?

__init__(ns, name)

initializes an EventType attached to ns by name name.

See also

EventType are expected to be initialized automatically, see also NameSpace.event_type.

ns is the NameSpace instance that created and holds the EventType.

name is the name of the EventType and under which it’s identified in its parent ns.


add a Topic object to this EventType.

This will immediately link the Topic to the existing and future created simpy_events.event.Event instances for this EventType,


create a simpy_events.event.Event instance

metadata are optional keyword args that will be forwarded as it is to initialize the event.

by default two keyword args are given to the simpy_events.event.Event class:

those values will be overriden by custom values if corresponding keyword are contained in metadata.

Once the event has been created the Topic objects linked to the EventType are linked to the simpy_events.event.Event instance.

Then simpy_events.event.Event.enabled and simpy_events.event.Event.dispatcher values for the created event are synchronized with the hierarchy (NameSpace/ EventType).


iter on created simpy_events.event.Event instances


(read only) The name of the EventType


(read only) The NameSpace that holds the EventType


remove a Topic object from this EventType.

The Topic will immediately be unlinked from the existing simpy_events.event.Event instances for this EventType.


iter on added Topic objects

class simpy_events.manager.EventsPropertiesMixin(parent, **values)

Internally used mixin class to add EventsProperty instances

This class add an EventsProperty instance for each attribute name in EventsPropertiesMixin._props :

  • “dispatcher”
  • “enabled”

This is used to ensure a hierarchically set value for the corresponding attribute of simpy_events.event.Event instances.

See also

NameSpace, EventType

For each attribute:

  • a property is used to set / get the value
  • the EventsProperty object is stored in a private attribute using the name ‘_{attr_name}’ (ex: “_dispatcher”)

Then the EventsPropertiesMixin._add_event_properties and EventsPropertiesMixin.remove_event_properties methods can be used in subclasses to add / remove an event to / from the EventsProperty instances.

__init__(parent, **values)

parent is either None or a EventsPropertiesMixin.

values are optional extra keyword args to initialize the value of the EventsProperty objects (ex: dispatcher=…).

For each managed attribute, the EventsProperty object is stored in a private attribute using the name ‘_{attr_name}’ (ex: “_dispatcher”).


used in subclasses to add a simpy_events.event.Event.

This add the event to each contained EventsProperty object, so the corresponding attribute is hierarchically set for the event.


used in subclasses to remove a simpy_events.event.Event.

This remove the event from each contained EventsProperty object.

class simpy_events.manager.EventsProperty(name, value, parent)

Set an attribue value for a hierarchy of parents/children

EventsProperty is used internally to automatically set the value of a specific attribute from a parent down to a hierarchy given the following rules:

  • the value of the parent is set recursively to children until a child contains a not None value.
  • if the value of a given node is set to None then the first parent whose value is not None will be used to replace the value recursively.

In other words EventsProperty ensures the a hierarchically set value that can be overriden by children nodes.

__init__(name, value, parent)

creates a new hierarchical attribute linked to parent

for each event added to this node its name attribute will be set every time the applicable value is updated (this EventsProperty’s value or a parent value depending on whether the value is None or not).


add an event to this node

the corresponding attribute will be hierarchically set starting from this node in the hierarchy for the added event.


remove an event from the hierarchy.

This doesn’t modify the corresponding attribute.


return the current value of this node in the hierarchy

class simpy_events.manager.Handlers(lst=None)

Holds a sequence of handlers.

Handlers is a sequence object which holds handlers for a specific hook in a topic.

Handlers behave like a list expect it’s also callable so it can be used as a decorator to append handlers to it.


append fct to the sequence.

Handlers object can be used as a decorator to append a handler to it.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

insert(index, value)

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index

class simpy_events.manager.NameSpace(parent, name, root, **kwargs)

Define a hierarchical name space to link events and handlers.

NameSpace provides a central node to automatically link simpy_events.event.Event objects and their handlers.

NameSpace allows to define EventType objects and create simpy_events.event.Event instances associated with those event types.

It also allows to define Topic objects and link them to event types. Handlers can then be attached to the Topic objects, which will automatically link them to the related simpy_events.event.Event instances.

Then, NameSpace and EventType also allow to set / override simpy_events.event.Event.enabled and simpy_events.event.Event.dispatcher attributes at a given point in the hierarchy.

See also


__init__(parent, name, root, **kwargs)

NameSpace are expected to be initialized automatically

event(name, *args, **kwargs)

create a simpy_events.event.Event instance

name is the name of the event type to use, it is either relative or absolute (see NameSpace.event_type).

additional args and kwargs are forwarded to EventType.create.

NameSpace.event is a convenience method, the following

ns.event('my event')

is equivalent to

ns.event_type('my event').create()

find or create an EventType

name is either relative or absolute (see NameSpace.ns for details).


the EventType objects have their own mapping within a given NameSpace, this means an EventType and a child NameSpace can have the same name, ex:


will create the EventType instance if it doesn’t exist.

handlers(name, hook)

return the handlers for the topic name and the hook hook

This is a convenience method that returns the Handlers sequence for a given hook in a given Topic.

Then the following

ns.handlers('my topic', 'before')

is equivalent to

ns.topic('my topic').handlers('before')


this method can be used as a decorator to register a handler, for ex

@ns.handlers('my topic', 'before')
def handler(context, data):

(read only) the name of the NameSpace


root = RootNameSpace(dispatcher)
ns = root.ns('first::second::third')
assert == 'third'

return or create the child NameSpace for name

There is a unique name:NameSpace pair from a given NameSpace instance. It’s automatically created when accessing it if it doesn’t exist.

name is either a relative or absolute name. An absolute name begins with ‘::’.

If name is absolute the NameSpace is referenced from the RootNameSpace in the hierarchy, ex:

ns = root.ns('one')
assert ns.ns('::one::two') is root.ns('one::two')

On the other hand a relative name references a NameSpace from the node on which ns is called, ex:

ns = root.ns('one')
assert ns.ns('one::two') is not root.ns('one::two')
assert ns.ns('one::two') is ns.ns('one').ns('two')
assert ns.ns('one::two') is root.ns('one::one::two')


name cannnot be empty (ValueError), and redundant separators (‘::’), as well as trailing separators will be ignored, ex:

ns1 = ns.ns('::::one::::two::::::::three::')
assert ns1 is ns.ns('::one::two::three')


‘:’ will be processed as a normal character, ex:

assert ns.ns(':one').name == ':one'
ns1 = ns.ns(':one::two:::::three:')
ns2 = ns.ns(':one').ns('two').ns(':').ns('three:')
assert ns1 is ns2

See also



(read only) return the absolute path of in the hierarchy


root = RootNameSpace(dispatcher)
ns = root.ns('first::second::third')
assert ns.path == '::first::second::third'


str(ns) will return ns.path


find or create an Topic

name is either relative or absolute (see NameSpace.ns for details).


the Topic objects have their own mapping within a given NameSpace, this means an Topic and a child NameSpace can have the same name, ex:


will create the Topic instance if it doesn’t exist.

class simpy_events.manager.RootNameSpace(dispatcher=None, enabled=False)

The root NameSpace object in the hierarchy.

the RootNameSpace differs from NameSpace because it has no parent, as a consequence:

__init__(dispatcher=None, enabled=False)

init the root NameSpace in the hierarchy


(read only) return the absolute path of in the hierarchy


root = RootNameSpace(dispatcher)
ns = root.ns('first::second::third')
assert ns.path == '::first::second::third'


str(ns) will return ns.path

class simpy_events.manager.Topic(ns, name)

Holds a mapping of handlers to link to specific events.

Topic is a sequence that contains names of events to be linked automatically when they are created or the name of existing events is added.

When events are created they’re registered by event type (EventType), identified by a name. If that name is contained in a Topic then the topic will be added to the simpy_events.event.Event’s topcis sequence and the handlers it contains will be called when the event is dispatched.

a Topic carries a dict containing sequences of handlers for specific hooks (‘before’, ‘after’…), and this dict is added to simpy_events.event.Event’s topics. The topic’s dict is added to an event’s topics sequence either when the simpy_events.event.Event is created or when the corresponding event’s type (name) is added to the Topic.

Topic’s dict contains key:value pairs where keys are hook names (‘before’, ‘after’…) and values are Handlers objects. The handler functions added to the Topic are added to the Handlers objects.

The topic is removed automatically from an simpy_events.event.Event if the corresponding event type (name) is removed from the Topic.


remove an event name from the Topic

this will remove the topic from the events identified by the event name at the removed index.


cannot use a slice as index, this will raise a NotImplementedError.


return an event name added to the Topic

__init__(ns, name)

initializes a Topic attached to ns by its name name.

See also

Topic are expected to be initialized automatically, see also NameSpace.topic.

ns is the NameSpace instance that created and holds the Topic.

name is the name of the Topic and under which it’s identified in its parent ns.

__setitem__(index, event)

add an event name to the Topic

this will take care of removing the topic from the events identified by the current event name at the specified index

then the new event name will be added to the sequence and the corresponding events will be linked if instances exist.


cannot use a slice as index, this will raise a NotImplementedError.


eq. to Topic.handlers but doesnt create the Handlers

return the Handlers sequence or None.


return the Handlers sequence for the hook hook.

the Handlers sequence for a given hook (i.e ‘before’, ‘after’…) is created in a lazy way by the Topic.

See also

simpy_events.event.Event for details about hooks.

Since Handlers can be used as a decorator itself to add a handler to it, this method can be used as a decorator to register a handler, for ex

def handler(context, data):

See also

insert(index, event)

insert an event name into the Topic

The new event name is added to the sequence at the specified index and the corresponding events are linked if instances exist.


(read only) The name of the Topic


(read only) The NameSpace that holds the Topic


(read only) The dict that is added to event’s topics